Detachable-Strap Backpack for Flexible-Doughnut Macaroon Mini Sweetened Fantasy Series

Colour Beige

Sweetened Fantasy Series – Scented Fields of Beauty

Imagine the endless field of sweet-scented flowers. Wildflowers are blossoming in the fields. The light breeze gently blows your hair around, rustling the tall grass and flowers. What a lovely day to be in the world, and out on the fields. The wildflower sways left and right, forth and back, asking for a dance to the song of the birds. The blinding sun shines brightly on top of the sky, and the golden rays give the petals a joyous syrupy aura.

Macaroon Mini is the perfect backpack for your everyday routine. Macaroon Mini is made from 10oz cotton, so it's ultralight and durable.