Fairies and Friends Series - We All Need Some Sort of Companion Do you remember when you last daydreamed? Time goes by, we don’t have the luxury to pause time. We grow older, and we grow apart from some old friends and habits. Maybe it is time to revisit and reconnect with some old chums. How about your imagination? Remember your imaginary friends back in your childhood, and bring them back. Reconnect that carefree child in you with our Fairies and Friends series. Though they are water-repellent and sturdy as ever, we are giving members of our Macaroon family a makeover. Macaroon's cuteness may be subtler but Meow and its yarn ball would certainly brighten the day of the person behind you.

Textured-Finish Backpack for Interest-Doughnut Macaroon Fairies & Friends Series Backpack